
Anton Lievykh Associate professor, candidate of pharmaceutical sciences, PhD
Lievykh Anton - Associate professor, candidate of pharmaceutical sciences, PhD. Acting as Head of the Department of Pharmacology, Dnipro State Medical University from 2022.Scientific interests - endothelium-platelet relationship in mechanisms of action of drugs and possibilities of pharmacological correction of endothelial dysfunction in experimental pathological conditions.Has 88 scientific and educational-methodical publications, 6 patents of Ukraine for new medicines, 6 teaching aids (in Russian and English languages), including 1 approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 4 information letters.Participated in pre-clinical studies of 60 drugs (as principal investigator - about 30 drugs). Participated in international pre-clinical studies abroad. Has certificate of FELASA accredited course 051/15 in care and use of laboratory animals. Certified for additional professional program «Rules for the organization and conducting preclinical drug research - GLP». Laureate of the Award of the President of Ukraine for young scientists.Occupation and responsibilities.- head of the Department of international relations;- responsible for working with English-speaking students of the Department of Pharmacology;- member of the Association of Pharmacologists of Ukraine, European College of Neuropsychopharmacology, International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology.Language of teaching – English.
 Volodymyr ZhyliukProfessor, Doctor of Medical Sciences
Zhylyuk Volodymyr Ivanovich - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, In 1998 graduated from Dnipropetrovsk State Medical Academy; from 1998 to 2001 - full-time postgraduate student of the Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology; since 2002 elected in competition for filling the vacant post of a teacher, and since 2006 - a senior lecturer of the Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology of the DSMA; since 2012 - associate professor of the department. In 2017 he was elected to the post of Head of the Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology.Educational work. Reads lectures on pharmacology and clinical pharmacology. Author of teaching aids and educational / methodological recommendations.Scientific research work. Main directions of scientific research: pharmacological analysis of the possibilities of medical protection of the brain in conditions of experimental pathological conditions; Pre-clinical research of original and generic drugs (toxicity, specific activity and pharmacokinetics), Ph.D. dissertation: «Peculiarities of the action of non-narcotic analgesics in the conditions of an experimental neurotic state", 2002 Doctor's dissertation: "Neuropharmacological analysis of medical protection of the brain in conditions of experimental diabetes mellitus" 2015 Participated in the study of about 60 pharmaceuticals (as responsible executive - about 35 drugs,). Participated in two international pre-clinical studies abroad. The author is more than 100 scientific works, 5 patents. Prepared 1 Ph.D. Manages 2 Ph.D.Social activities. Acting Head of the «Problem Commission SE «DMA» «Medical-biological disciplines and pharmacy», member of the Approbation councils under the Specialized Academic Councils D 08.601.02 (specialization 14.01.11 - cardiology) and D 08.601.01 (specialty 14.01.24 - therapeutic physical education and sports medicine).
 Vitaly MamchurProfessor, Doctor of Medical Sciences
Scientific interests are the pharmacology of anesthesia (from local anesthetics, surgical anesthetics to non-opioid analgesics) and neuro-metabolic cerebral protecers when their therapeutic properties and undesirable reactions are studied under experimental equivalents: pain of different origins, epilepsy, parkinsonism, depression, neurotic and psychotic disorders, neuropsychopathy , caused by systemic (diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis) and organ (hypoxia, cerebral ischemia, intoxication with sulfur evoho muscle, liver failure) disorders; Participation in the development and study of new, first of all, domestic medicinal products.Has more than 500 scientific articles, 15 patents of Ukraine and 2 patents of Russia for new medicines, 12 monographs, co-authorship in 4 textbooks and 57 scientific manuals and 28 educational and methodological works, 3 methodical recommendations for pre-clinical study of medicinal products The State Pharmacological Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (State Pharmacological Center HM), the National Formulary of Medicines of Ukraine, prepared 5 doctors and 19 candidates of medical and pharmaceutical sciences.Position and responsibilities - a member of the Presidium of the State Pharmacological Center of Health Ministry of Ukraine, the Association of Pharmacologists of Ukraine, the Problem Committee «Pharmacology», the Scientific and Expert Council of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine (2001-2008), a member of the specialized scientific council of defense of candidate and doctoral theses, editorial for several scientific medical editions.
Yuliia Kharchenko Associate professor,  candidate of pharmaceutical sciences, PhD
Scientific interests are the pharmacology of pro- and anti-allergic properties of drugs, microbiome and its effect on the body.Educational work. Teacher of Pharmacology. Author of teaching aids and educational and methodological recommendations.Scientific research work. Participated in the study of about 50 pharmaceuticals (as a responsible executive - about 20 drugs). Participated in four international pre-clinical studies abroad.Occupation and responsibilities:-the teacher of the department;- responsible for the site of the department;-a member of the Association of Pharmacologists of Ukraine, member of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, member of the World Organization of Allergy.Language of teaching – English.
 Anna Kurt- AmetovaLecturer, candidate of pharmacy science, PhD
Scientific interests - pharmacology of analgesia (research of medicinal plants in pain and inflammation)Has 40 scientific and educational-methodical publications, 1 patent of Ukraine for new medicines, 2 teaching aids (in Russian languages), 1 information letter.Occupation and responsibilities.- teacher of the Department of Pharmacology;- is responsible for working with students of the Faculty of Dentistry at the Department of Pharmacology;- member of the Association of Pharmacologists of Ukraine, Ukrainian Association for the Study of Pain.Language of teaching – English.
Viktoria Tkachenko Associate professor,candidate of biological science, PhD
Educational work. Teacher of Pharmacology.Occupation and responsibilities:-the teacher of the department.Language of teaching – English, French.
Anastasiia Bukreeva Lecturer
Educational work. Teacher of Pharmacology.Occupation and responsibilities:-the teacher of the department.Language of teaching – English.
Sergiy Malishev Lecturer
Scientific interests - the study of the behavior of rodents in new (stress) conditions, which allows to assess: the severity and dynamics of individual behavioral elements; level of emotional and behavioral reactivity of animals ("sedation-agitation"); research / defense strategy; addiction (habituation); remembering incentives (for example, in the "object recognition" paradigm); symptoms of neurological deficiency; locomotor stereotype used in studies of neuroleptic, antidepressant, nootropic and tranquilizing (anxiolytic) activity of pharmacologic substances and drugs. He is a co-author of scientific articles and author of methodological studies for students.